Band Scheiss da nix, dann feid da nix!
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Achentaler cult band
wins German Rock and Pop award 2023

We've swept in five categories! The musical appreciation with certificates was presented to us on December 16th in the Siegerlandhalle on the big stage. The music and video of the band handmade by the songwriter Andi Wimmer and Michael von Heimendahl successfully stood out among 1500 competitors. The journey started early in the morning by train to Siegen: A rail trip full of anticipation led the Achental dialect interpreters, accompanied by the band photographer and young talent Raphael, across Germany to receive the coveted prizes.

The expert jury awarded our exceptional music video: "Wo mia san is Frühling" (where we are, it's spring) in which we express it through the flower(s). We tell the story of love that can enchant all living beings from a completely different perspective. Great to have you on our website, feel free to like us on YouTube

We are proud of the 1st place in the category "best wind instrument" - Andi Wimmer shows live how much more you can get out of a Seydel harmonica. While there were almost more "Fotzhobln" (bavarian dialect for wind instrument) than people in the wartime years, this instrument is quite special today.

MVH · Deutscher Rock Und Pop Preis 2023 Bestes Blasinstrument Platz 1 Mundharmonika

Trying something new in life is worth it: "Wer ko der ko" (who can, can) is the best folk rock song and motivates exactly that. "Deine Augn" (your eyes) highlights the advantages of mask-wearing, is the best pop song, and our song for the radio with an imaginative Corona music video. We wrote the special Bavarian song "Ursula Noreia" and composed very emotionally music for it. Best dialect interpreter is a very stylish award for this song, we carry for Bavaria lyrics in our hearts!

😎 Music: A primary delight! 🎉

"Scheiß da nix, dann feid da nix!" at the forest kindergarten

The musicians Andi Wimmer and Mike von Heimendahl from the band "Scheiß da nix, dann feid da nix!" rocked the forest kindergarten Schleching in style.

The musicians' idea was to play rhythmic music in Bavarian dialect together with the forest children. This spontaneous idea from the musicians became an absolute hit with the kids. With enthusiasm, the children danced and sang to songs like "Where we are, it's spring", "Your eyes", "Autumn in Achental", "Scheiß da nix, dann feid da nix!" or "Down in the green meadow" until they made the forest floor tremble. Using little wooden sticks and instruments, they accompanied the music band and joyously belted out the catchy refrains.

Andi and Mike excelled at motivating the children with their spirited songs, inspiring them to sing and dance. The children had so much fun and delight during the musicians' performance that the next day, they immediately asked: "Is today another fantastic party with music?" A heartfelt thank you for your wonderful performance at our forest kindergarten Schleching! Irmi Klauser

Servus Achental Ausgabe 155 / August 2023 on page 53.

🚁 Live music + RC models = Fun style Airshow ✈

Chiemsee Airshow of Flightgroup Achental

Musicians of the band "Scheiss da nix, dann feid da nix!" at the Airshow 2022 from left to right: Michael von Heimendahl, Andreas Wimmer, Petra Stegmaier, Gerlinde Präauer. Photo: Raphael von Heimendahl.

With joy, we had the privilege to open the Airshow under the most beautiful weather and captivate 289 spectators between 10 and 11 a.m. with our music! Over 3500 visitors, half of them children and adolescents, witnessed breathtaking aerial demonstrations by top pilots throughout the day!!

Oberbayerisches Volksblatt Rosenheimer Tageszeitung
Deutscher Modellflugverband
Deutsche Alpensegelflugschule

✮ Encuraging people with disabilities in playing gigs ✮

EDEKA Grassau - We Love Life Assistance - April 2021

EDEKA Kaltschmid and the Chiemgau band "Scheiss da nix, dann feid da nix!" support the Lebenshilfe Traunstein band.

The special thing: All musicians of the Lebenshilfe Traunstein band live with a handicap.

Lebenshilfe Traunstein Band

The band led by sound and lighting technician Michael Steffl has now received an EDEKA trolley with an intermediate shelf as a gift, to be able to transport their instruments to Marcos, their regular pub. The Achentaler cult band "Scheiss da nix, dann feid da nix!" built them a multifunctional soundbox on wheels, complete with amplifier, mixing console, microphone holders, and LED light bars, which can also be pushed through the city.

Band of Life Assistance Traunstein

Easy mobile PA for the Band of Life Assistance Traunstein.

If you also want to support the band or engage them, please contact us by phone at +491731787517 or via WhatsApp/SMS.

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